Maximizing Your Roofing Insurance Claim: Insights from Noble PA Group and Buckhead Roofing

Public Adjusting Company


Navigating the complexities of insurance claims can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to ensuring you receive fair coverage for roof repairs or replacements due to weather damage or other threats. At Buckhead Roofing, we understand the frustrations homeowners face when dealing with insurance companies, who often employ tactics to minimize payouts. A recent article by Diane Lee sheds light on these challenges and offers invaluable advice on how to get the most out of your insurance claim. We’ve partnered with reputable public adjusters like Noble PA Group, and this blog will explore the key takeaways from Lee’s article and how they apply to your roofing needs.

The Insurance Claim Dilemma

Homeowners invest significant amounts in insurance premiums with the expectation that, in times of need, their claims will be honored fully and fairly. However, the reality is often starkly different. Insurance companies have become increasingly stringent, aiming to reduce their financial liabilities, which can leave homeowners struggling to cover the costs of essential repairs.

Case Study: Susan McGee’s Experience

The article highlights the story of Susan McGee, whose house caught fire a decade ago. Unaware of her full entitlements under her insurance policy, McGee left $40,000-$60,000 on the table. This unfortunate oversight was due to a lack of information provided by her insurance carrier, which neglected to inform her about various policy subsections covering additional costs like painting, debris removal, and ordinance compliance.

The Role of Public Adjusters

A pivotal point in Lee’s article is the effectiveness of public adjusters in maximizing insurance claims. According to Emile Wolfaardt of Noble PA Group, homeowners who employ public adjusters see their claim amounts increase by an average of 747%. This substantial increase is due to the adjusters’ deep knowledge of insurance policies, state statutes, building codes, and case law.

Public adjusters, such as those from Noble PA Group, advocate on behalf of homeowners, ensuring that every aspect of the policy is leveraged to obtain the maximum possible payout. Their expertise and thorough approach can make a significant difference, especially when dealing with complex claims related to roofing damage.

Practical Tips for Homeowners

To help you navigate the insurance claim process more effectively, here are some practical tips inspired by Diane Lee’s article and our collaboration with Noble PA Group:

  1. Understand Your Policy:
    • Thoroughly read your insurance policy, particularly the declaration page, to know what is covered.
    • Be aware of subsections that might provide additional coverage for specific repair costs.
  2. Document Everything:
    • Regularly take exterior and interior photos of your home to document its condition and contents.
    • After a damaging event, photograph all affected areas and gather detailed repair estimates.
  3. Use Precise Language:
    • When describing damage, use specific terms that align with policy coverage. For example, say “storm-created opening” instead of “wind-driven rain” to avoid exclusions.
    • Avoid terms like “mold,” which often have strict coverage limits, and use “moisture problems” instead.
  4. Get Multiple Quotes:
    • Obtain several repair quotes to get an accurate picture of the true costs in your current market.
    • Use these quotes to negotiate with your insurance company.
  5. Avoid Signing a Final Release:
    • Never sign a final release, as it prevents you from claiming additional funds if new damage or repair needs arise.
  6. Consider Hiring a Public Adjuster:
    • If you feel overwhelmed or believe your insurance company is undervaluing your claim, consider hiring a public adjuster. Their expertise can significantly boost your claim amount.
Public Adjusting Presentation

Buckhead Roofing and Noble PA Group: A Strong Partnership

At Buckhead Roofing, we’ve had the pleasure of working alongside Noble PA Group on numerous occasions. We’ve seen firsthand the difference their expertise makes in securing fair settlements for homeowners. While our primary focus is on providing top-notch roofing services, we recognize the value that a knowledgeable public adjuster brings to the table, especially in ensuring that our clients can afford the quality repairs they need.


Navigating the insurance claim process can be challenging, but with the right knowledge and support, homeowners can ensure they receive the full coverage they deserve. At Buckhead Roofing, we’re committed to helping you protect your home and maximize your insurance claims. By following the advice outlined in Diane Lee’s article and considering the benefits of working with reputable public adjusters like Noble PA Group, you can safeguard your home against future weather damage and other threats.

For more information or to schedule a consultation, contact Buckhead Roofing today. We’re here to help you every step of the way.

To view the article, click HERE

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