(706) 744-1844

Mother Nature can be a fickle beast, and sometimes her temper takes the form of hailstones pummeling your roof. Hailstorms can leave a path of destruction, and while you might be checking your car for dents, it’s crucial to also inspect your roof for damage. Here’s how to identify hail damage and navigate the insurance process to protect your home (or business).

Signs Your Roof Took a Hail Hit

Not all hail damage is obvious, but there are some telltale signs to watch out for:

Why Identifying Hail Damage Matters

Early detection of hail damage is key. Left unaddressed, even minor damage can worsen over time, leading to leaks, rot, and structural issues. A compromised roof can also affect your home’s energy efficiency and even impact its resale value.

Hail and Your Insurance

Most homeowner’s insurance policies cover hail damage. If you suspect hail damage, take photos of the affected areas and contact your insurance company as soon as possible. They will send an inspector to assess the damage and determine the best course of action, which might involve repairs or a full roof replacement.

Are reluctant to deal with your insurance and would like some help? Call our team at Buckhead Roofing and our team will take that burden off your shoulders. You can reach us at (706) 744-1844 or email us at [email protected]

Knowing Your Coverage

It’s wise to review your homeowner’s insurance policy beforehand to understand your deductible (the amount you pay before insurance kicks in) and coverage limits. Some policies might have exclusions or limitations for hail damage, so being familiar with the details is crucial.

Commercial Property and Hail

Commercial buildings are just as susceptible to hail damage as homes. The inspection process is similar, with a qualified commercial roofer assessing the damage and working with your insurance company. Here are some additional considerations for commercial properties:

Don’t Hail Yourself Out

While some minor hail damage might seem DIY-friendly, it’s always best to consult a professional roofer for a proper assessment. They have the expertise to identify even subtle damage and ensure repairs are done correctly to prevent future problems.

Taking Action After Hail

If you discover hail damage, don’t delay. Contact your insurance company promptly and get a qualified roofer to inspect the damage. By acting quickly, you can minimize the impact on your home (or business) and ensure a smooth insurance claim process. Remember, a well-maintained roof is your best defense against the elements, so don’t let hail put a damper on your peace of mind.