As hurricane season approaches, particularly with storms like Hurricane Helene on the radar, staying informed is crucial for your safety and preparedness. Reliable weather updates can help you make informed decisions about evacuations, safety measures, and emergency planning. In this post, we’ll highlight trustworthy websites, apps, and local resources to keep you updated during a hurricane in Florida.

1. National Hurricane Center (NHC)

The National Hurricane Center is the go-to source for all hurricane-related information in the United States.

2. NOAA Weather Service

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) provides comprehensive weather updates, including severe weather warnings and alerts.

3. Local News Stations

Local news channels are invaluable resources during a hurricane, offering real-time updates specific to your community.

4. Weather Apps

Having a reliable weather app on your smartphone can ensure you receive alerts and updates even when you’re on the go.

5. Social Media

Social media platforms can serve as excellent channels for real-time updates during a hurricane. Follow these accounts for accurate information:

6. Emergency Management Agencies

Local emergency management agencies provide critical information and resources during hurricanes.

7. Community Alert Systems

Many Florida communities have their own alert systems that provide localized weather updates and emergency information.


Staying informed during a hurricane is essential for your safety and the safety of your loved ones. By utilizing reliable websites, apps, and local resources, you can ensure you have the most up-to-date information on Hurricane Helene and any other storms that may impact Florida. Remember, preparation is key, and being informed is the first step towards staying safe.

Stay safe, stay informed, and monitor those weather updates!

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